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Hypermedia Online Publishing: the Transformation of the Scholarly Journal

2.5 Alternative theoretical perspectives

The theoretical perspectives discussed above are not the only ones that could have been applied to this research. A range of alternatives were examined and rejected before making this final selection. The six strongest contenders were modelled scholarly communication, postmodern hypermedia theory, open natural systems models of digital library use, a generalised framework for communication in science, paradigm shifts in science, and social construction of technology.

2.5.1 Modelled scholarly communication

2.5.2 Postmodern hypermedia

2.5.3 Open natural systems in digital libraries

2.5.4 Communication in science

2.5.5 Paradigm shifts in science

2.5.6 Social construction of technology

Last modified: Monday, 11-Dec-2017 14:39:30 AEDT

© Andrew Treloar, 2001. * http://andrew.treloar.net/ * andrew.treloar@gmail.com