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Research Publications

Refereed Publications

67. Gregory, Kathleen ; Zurbach, Jonathan ; Shankar, Kalpana ; Mayernik, Matthew ; Treloar, Andrew (2025). Sustaining Knowledge Infrastructures: Asking Questions and Listening for Answers. Submitted to IJDC. Authors preprint.

66. Treloar, A. and Woodford, C. J. (2025). Global Open Research Commons: enabling curation for the next 20 years. Proceedings of IDCC 2025 (authors' preprint)

65. Treloar, A. and Woodford, C.J. (2024). Global Open Research Commons: Creating an International Model for Improved Interoperability and Collaboration. Data Science Journal, 23: 56, pp. 1–9. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2024-056

64. Stirm, C., Levett, K., Maron, N., Gesing, S., Treloar, A., McCafferty, S., Casavan, J. (2023). Starting with a Firm Foundation: Building a Sustainability Program for the Australian Research Data Commons. Proceedings of 15th International Workshop on Science Gateways (IWSG2023), 13-15 June 2023.

63. Levett, K., Smillie, J. and Treloar, A. (2022). Putting the R into Platforms. International Journal of Digital Curation 17 (1)  (Winner of Best Paper Award, IDCC22)

62. Barker, M., Wilkinson, R., and Treloar, A. (2019). The Australian Research Data Commons. Data Science Journal, 18: 44, pp. 1-7. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2019-044

61. Mehnert, A J,  Janke, A, Gruwel, M, Goscinski, W J, Close, T, Taylor, D, Narayanan, A, Vidalis, G, Galloway, G,  Treloar, A (2019). Putting the Trust into Trusted Data Repositories: A Federated Solution for the Australian National Imaging Facility. International Journal of Digital Curation 14 (1). DOI: https://doi.org/10.2218/ijdc.v14i1.594

60. Treloar, A. and Klump, J. (2019). Updating the Data Curation Continuum: not just Data, still focussed on Curation, more Domain-oriented. International Journal of Digital Curation 14 (1). DOI: https://doi.org/10.2218/ijdc.v14i1.643

59. Barker, M. et al. (2019). The global impact of science gateways, virtual research environments and virtual laboratories. Future Generation Computer Systems Volume 95, June 2019, Pages 240-248. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2018.12.026

58. Griffin, P. et al. (2017). Best practice data life cycle approaches for the life sciences. F1000Research. https://f1000research.com/articles/6-1618/v1

57. Jimenez R.C., Kuzak M., Alhamdoosh M. et al. (2017). Four simple recommendations to encourage best practices in research software [version 1; referees: 3 approved]. F1000Research, 6:876 (doi: 10.12688/f1000research.11407.1)

56. Kethers, S., Treloar, A. and Wu, M. (2016). Building Tools to Facilitate Data Reuse. International Journal of Digital Curation V11 N2, pp. 1-12. doi:10.2218/ijdc.v11i2.409

55. Treloar, A. and Wu, M. (2016). Provenance in support of ANDS' four transformations. International Journal of Digital Curation V11 N1, pp. 183-194. doi:10.2218/ijdc.v11i1.416

54. Schmidt, B., Gemeinholzer, B., and Treloar, A. (2016). Open Data in Global Environmental Research: The Belmont Forum's Open Data Survey. PLoS ONE 11(1): e0146695 (Geoscience Information Society Best Paper Award for 2017) doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0146695

53. Specht, A., Guru, S., Houghton, L., Keniger, L., Driver, P., Ritchie, E. G., Lai, K., Treloar, A. (2015). Data management challenges in analysis and synthesis in the ecosystem sciences. Science of the Total Environment, in press. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.03.092

52. Van de Sompel, H and Treloar, A. (2014). A Perspective on Archiving the Scholarly Web. Proceedings of iPres 2014 (all papers), Melbourne, October. Author's copy of this paper only.

51. Groenewegen, D. and Treloar, A. (2013). Adding Value by Taking a National and Institutional Approach to Research Data: The ANDS Experience International Journal of Digital Curation, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 89-98. doi:10.2218/ijdc.v8i2.274

50. Guru, S., Shen, X., Love, C., Treloar, A., Phinn, S., Wilkinson, R., Brady, C., Isaac, P.,  Clancy, T. (2013). Sharing Australia's Nationally Significant Terrestrial Ecosystem Data: a collaboration between TERN and ANDS. Proceedings of IEEE eScience 2013, Beijing, October.

49. Burton, A., Groenewegen, D., Love, C., Treloar, A., Wilkinson, R. (2012). Making Research Data Available in Australia. Intelligent Systems, IEEE , vol.27, no.3, pp.40-43, May-June. doi: 10.1109/MIS.2012.57

48. Hobbs, G., Miller, D., Manchester, R. N., Dempsey, J., Chapman, J. M., Khoo, J., Applegate, J., Bailes, M., Bhat, N. D. R., Bridle, R., Borg, A., Brown, A., Burnett, C., Camilo, F., Cattalini, C., Chaudhary, A., Chen, R., D'Amico, N., Kedziora-Chudczer, L., Cornwell, T., George, R., Hampson, G., Hepburn, M., Jameson, A., Keith, M., Kelly, T., Kosmynin, A., Lenc, E., Lorimer, D., Love, C., Lyne, A., McIntyre, V., Morrissey, J., Pienaar, M., Reynolds, J., Ryder, G., Sarkissian, J., Stevenson, A., Treloar, A., van Straten, W., Whiting, M., & Wilson, G. (2011). The Parkes Observatory Pulsar Data Archive. PASA, 28, 202-214

47. Kethers, S., Shen, X., Treloar, A., and Wilkinson, R. (2010). Discovering Australia's Research Data. Proceedings of JCDL 2010, June.

46. Burton, A. and Treloar, A. (2010). Publish My Data: the design and implementation of a loosely-coupled data 'publishing' service. Proceedings of VALA 2010, February, Melbourne.

45. Burton, A. and Treloar, A. (2009). Publish My Data: A composition of services from ANDS and ARCS. Proceedings of IEEE e-Science 2009, December, Oxford. DOI: 10.1109/e-Science.2009.31

44. Burton, A. and Treloar, A. (2009). Designing for Discovery and Re-Use: the 'ANDS Data Sharing Verbs' Approach to Service Decomposition. International Journal of Digital Curation, Vol 4, No 3 (reprint of paper from Fifth International Digital Curation Conference, London).

43. Treloar, A. (2008). Design and Implementation of the Australian National Data Service. International Journal of Digital Curation, Vol. 4, No. 1 (reprint of paper from Fourth International Digital Curation Conference, 2008, Edinburgh).

42. Androulakis, A., et al. (2008). ARCHER - e-Research Tools for Research Data Management. International Journal of Digital Curation, Vol. 4, No. 1.

41. Treloar, A. and Wilkinson, R. (2008). Rethinking Metadata Creation and Management in a Data-Driven Research World. Proceedings of IEEE e-Science 2008, December, Indianapolis. DOI 10.1109/eScience.2008.41

40. Atkinson, A., et al. (2008). ARCHER - e-Research Tools for Research Data Management. Proceedings of IEEE e-Science 2008, December, Indianapolis.

39. Androulakis, S., et al. (2008). Federated repositories of X-ray diffraction images. Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography, 2008, Volume D64, pages 810-814. Electronic reprint also available.

38. Groenewegen, D. and Treloar, A. (2008). Building the ARROW Community. Proceedings of VALA 2008, Melbourne, February.

37. Treloar, A. and Harboe-Ree, C. (2008). Data management and the curation continuum: how the Monash experience is informing repository relationships. Proceedings of VALA 2008, Melbourne, February.

36. Treloar, A. and Groenewegen, D. (2008). The ARROW Project: A consortial institutional repository solution, combining open source and proprietary software.  OCLC Systems and Services, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 30-39. DOI: 10.1108/10650750810847224

35. Faux, N. et al. (2007). eResearch Solutions for High Throughput Structural Biology. Proceedings of 3rd IEEE International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing, Bangalore, December 10-13.

34. Treloar, A. (2007). The Data Acquisition, Accessibility, Annotation and e-Research Technologies (DART) Project: Supporting the complete e-Research Lifecycle. Proceedings of UK e-Science Programme All Hands Meeting 2007 (AHM2007), Nottingham, September.

33. Tsoi, A., McDonell, J.,  Treloar, A. (2007). Dataset acquisition, accessibility, annotation, e-research technologies (DART)project: A case study using an X-ray diffractometer. International Journal of Digital Libraries, Volume 7, Numbers 1-2 / October, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00799-007-0019-4 (requires institutional subscription) .

32. Treloar, A. (2007). DART: Building the new collaborative e-research infrastructure. in Proceedings of Educause Australasia 2007, Melbourne, April (winner of CAUDIT Best Paper award).

31. Treloar, A. (2006). The Dataset Acquisition, Accessibility, and Annotation e-Research Technologies (DART) Project: building the new collaborative e-research infrastructure. Proceedings of AusWeb06, the Twelfth Australian World Wide Web Conference, Southern Cross University Press, Southern Cross University, July.

30. Payne, G and Treloar, A. (2006). The ARROW Project after two years: are we hitting our targets?. Proceedings of VALA 2006, Melbourne.

29. Treloar, A. (2006). The Monash University Information Management Strategy: from development to implementation. Proceedings of VALA 2006, Melbourne.

28. Treloar, A. (2005). ARROW Targets: Institutional Repositories, Open-Source, and Web Services. Proceedings of AusWeb05, the Eleventh Australian World Wide Web Conference, Southern Cross University Press, Southern Cross University, July.

27. Treloar, A. (2004). Building an Institutional Research Repository from the Ground Up: The ARROW Experience. Proceedings of AusWeb04, the Tenth Australian World Wide Web Conference, Southern Cross University Press, Southern Cross University, July. Updated version of paper also available (incorporating information that became public after submission date)

26. Harboe-Ree, C., Sabto, M., and Treloar, A. (2004). The Library As Digitorium: New Modes Of Information Creation, Distribution And AccessProceedings of VALA 2004, Melbourne, February.

25. Bailey, N., Jackson, K., Liew, L., Schendzielorz, P., Treloar, A., and Troeth, L. (2003) Implementing a hybrid LDAP directory at Monash University to provide access to external users. Proceedings EDUCAUSE IN AUSTRALASIA 2003 : Expanding the Learning Community - Meeting the Challenges, pages 329-337, Adelaide Convention Centre.

24. Troeth, L., Guenzel, M., Liew, L. and Treloar, A. (2003) Cutting our own keys: implementing a self-signing PKI at Monash University. Proceedings EDUCAUSE IN AUSTRALASIA 2003 : Expanding the Learning Community - Meeting the Challenges, pages 318-328, Adelaide Convention Centre.

23. Treloar, A. and Bailey, N. (2001). What's under the threshold? Portals and Portal Infrastructures. Proceedings of AusWeb 2001, Coffs Harbour, April.

22. Treloar, A. and Troeth, L. (2000). Certifiably Mad or a Dead Cert? Why and How a Large Australian University is implementing Digital Certificates and a PKI. Proceedings of the 1st Australian Information Security Management Workshop, Deakin University, Geelong, November.

21. Treloar, A. (2000). Spinning the Right Path: Investigating the Effectiveness and Impact of Web Navigation Systems. Proceedings of AusWeb2K, the Sixth Australian World Wide Web Conference, Southern Cross University Press, Southern Cross University, June.

20. Treloar, A. (2000). Are E-Journals a new genre, or an old genre in a new medium?. Proceedings of VALA 2000, Melbourne, January.

19. Treloar, A. (1999). Applying hypertext and hypermedia to scholarly journals enables both product and process innovation. ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 31, No. 4es (Symposium issue on Hypertext and Hypermedia) PDF or HTML.

18. Treloar, A. (1999). Products And Processes: How Innovation and Product Life-Cycles Can Help Predict The Future Of The Electronic Scholarly Journal. Proceedings of the Third International ICCC and IFIP Conference on Electronic Publishing, Ronneby, May.

17. Treloar, A. (1999). Just another technology? How the dynamics of innovation can help predict the future of the browser. Proceedings of AusWeb 99 (the Fifth Australian Web Conference), Ballina, April.

16. Treloar, A. (1998). Libraries' new role in electronic scholarly publishing. Communications of the ACM, April, pp.88-89. (Preprint, ACM version)

15. Treloar, A. (1998). Evolving Ecological Niches: Technological Change and the Transformation of the Libraries Role in Publishing. Proceedings of the Second ICCC/IFIP Electronic Publishing Conference, Budapest, April.

14. Treloar, A. (1998). Technology as Agent for Transformation: Five Case Studies of University Libraries as Facilitators for Electronic Scholarly Publishing. Proceedings of VALA '98, Melbourne, January.

13. Cameron, J., Denison, T., Jansen, B., Mercieca, P., Reekie, P., Schauder, D., Treloar, A. and Wilken, P. (1997).  EPICentre - The Electronic Publishing Innovations Centre. EJournal , Vol. 7, No. 1, November.

12. Treloar, A. (1996). Better than Print? Hypermedia Scholarly Publishing and the World Wide Web. Proc. VALA '96, Melbourne, January.

11. Treloar, A. (1995). Scholarly Publishing and the Fluid World Wide Web. Proc. First Asia Pacific World Wide Web Conference, Sydney, September.

10. Treloar, A. (1995). Scholarly Electronic Publishing and the World-Wide Web. Proc. AusWeb95 (the first Australian WWW conference), Ballina, May.

9. Treloar, A. (1994). Classifying Internet Access Tools: A User-Centred Approach. Resource Sharing and Information Networks, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 19 - 37.

8. Treloar, A. (1994). Information Spaces and Affordances on the Internet. Proc. 5th Australian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS '94), Melbourne, September.

7. Treloar, A. (1994). The Internet as an Information Management Technology: New Tools, New Paradigms and New Problems. Proc. 47th Conference of the International Federation for Information and Documentation (FID), Omiya, Japan, October.

6. Evans, J. A, and Treloar, A. (1994). Information Management and Librarianship: development of an innovative program through a cooperative link scheme. Education for Information, Vol. 12, No. 4, December, pp. 437 - 450.

5. Treloar, A. (1994). Architectures for networked information: a comparative study of Gopher and the World-Wide Web. Journal of Information Networking, Vol. 2, No. 1.

4. Stokes, D., Treloar, A., Wescott, G., Lindsay, A., and Marinopoulos, J. (1994). Household Carbon Dioxide Production in Relation to the Greenhouse Effect. Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 40, No. 3, March.

3. Treloar, A. (1993). Towards a user-centred categorisation of Internet access tools. Proc. Networkshop '93, Melbourne, November.

2. Treloar, A. (1993). New Wine into Old Wineskins: Accessing the Internet and Lessons from the Past. Proc. VALA '93 - Managing Networked Information, Melbourne, November.

1. Stokes, D., Blake, T., Wescott, G., Lindsay, A., Treloar, A., McKenzie, T., and Dickson, I. (1992). Environmental Management Training in Australia: A Case Study. The Environmentalist, Vol. 12, No. 2.

Book Chapters

Schmidt, B., Gemeinholzer, B., Treloar, A. Open Data in Global Environmental Research: Findings from the Community (2015) in Schmidt, B. and Dobreva, M.New Avenues for Electronic Publishing in the Age of Infinite Collections and Citizen Science: Scale, Openness and Trust: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Electronic Publishing, IOS Press. ISBN 978-1-61499-561-6 (print) | 978-1-61499-562-3 (online).

Kethers, S. and Treloar, A. Perspective 2: Australian National Data Service. Rajabifard, A. and Eagleson, S. (2013). Spatial Data Access and Integration to Support Liveability: A Case Study in North and West Melbourne, University of Melbourne. ISBN: 978-0-9922918-0-8.

Treloar, A., Choudhury, G Sayeed, and Michener, W.. Contrasting national research data strategies: Australia and the US. Pryor, G. (ed.) (2012). Managing Research Data, Facet Publishing, pp. 173-204. ISBN: 978-1-85604-756-2.

Other Publications

32. Payne, K., Corrie, B., Crawley, F., Harrower, N., Macneil, R., Maxwell, L., Sansone, S.-A., Treloar, A., Woodford, C., Åkerström, W. N., & RDA GORC International Model WG. (2023). The Global Open Research Commons International Model Report, Version 1 (1.0). DOI: https://doi.org/10.15497/RDA00097

31. Jones, Sarah, Leggott, Mark, Lopez Albacete, Javier, Pascu, Corina, Payne, Karen, Schouppe, Michel, Treloar, Andrew, & Global Open Research Commons IG. (2023). GORC IG: Typology and Definitions (1.0). DOI: https://doi.org/10.15497/RDA00087

30. Barker, M., Chue Hong, N., Katz, D., Leggott, M., Treloar, A., van Eijnatten, J., Aragon, S. (2021). Research software is essential for research data, so how should governments respond?. ReSA Blog Post. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5762703

29. Honeyman, T., & Treloar, A. (2021). A National Agenda for Research Software. DOI: 10.5281/ZENODO.4940273

28. Dillo, I., Treloar, A., Lusoli, W., Kupiainen, I., Asch, M., Diepenbroek, M., Hayashi, K., Noh, S-Y., Oh, S. K., Skålin, R., Sithole, H., van Deventer, M., Golliez, A., Grolimund, P., Cudre- Mauroux, P., Dearry, A., Hodson, S., Neylon, C., Madalli, D. P., Harrower, N. (2017). Business models for sustainable research data repositories. (OECD SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION POLICY PAPERS). OECD Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1787/302b12bb-en

27. Aryani, Amir; Burton, Adrian; Treloar, Andrew (2016). Research Data Switchboard: Finding Connections to Your Data. Proceedings of eResearch Australasia 2016. doi:doi.org/m9.figshare.4212261.v1

26. Borgman, C. L., Van de Sompel, H., Scharnhorst, A., van den Berg, H. and Treloar, A. (2015). Who uses the digital data archive? An exploratory study of DANS. Proc. Assoc. Info. Sci. Tech., 52: 1-4. doi:10.1002/pra2.2015.145052010096

25. Treloar, A., Wilkinson, R. and Team, ANDS (2015). Enhancing the Value of Research Data in Australia. ERCIM News 100 (Special theme:
Scientific Data Sharing and Re-use)
, January.

24. Treloar, A. (2014), Desert Island Hard Disks, blog entry on Software Sustainability Institute site.

23. Treloar, A. (2014). The Research Data Alliance: globally co-ordinated action against barriers to data publishing and sharing. Learned Publishing: special issue to Volume 27, pp 9-13(5), September 1. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1087/20140503 (author's open-access version also available).

22. Burton, A., Groenewegen, D., Love, C., Treloar, A., and Wilkinson, R.. Partners in Research: Data Librarians. Link - Connecting Commonwealth Librarians, Issue 13 September 2011.

21. Treloar, A. and Wilkinson, R. (2008). Access to Data for eResearch: Designing the Australian National Data Service Discovery Services. International Journal of Digital Curation, Vol 3, No 2.

20. Treloar, A., Groenewegen, D. and Harboe-Ree, C. (2007). The Data Curation Continuum: managing data objects in institutional repositories, Dlib, September/October. doi:10.1045/september2007-treloar

19. Groenewegen, D. and Treloar, A. (2007). ARROW and the RQF - Meeting the needs of the Research Quality Framework using an Institutional Research Repository. ARIADNE, Issue 52, July.

18. Treloar, A. and Groenewegen, D. (2007). ARROW, DART and ARCHER: A Quiver Full of Research Repository and Related Projects. ARIADNE, Issue 51, April.

17. Treloar, A. (2005). Developing an Information Management Strategy for Monash University. In Proceedings of Educause AustralAsia 2005, Auckland, April.

16. Harboe-Ree, C. and Treloar, A. (2004). Connecting the Dots Downunder: Towards An Integrated Institutional Approach To Digital Content Management. High Energy Physics Libraries Webzine, issue 9, March.

15. Harboe-Ree, C., Sabto, M. and Treloar, A.,(2003), ARROW: Australian Research Repositories Online To The World, Public version of bid submitted to the Australian Federal Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST) for funding under the Systemic Infrastructure Initiative and its Research Information Infrastructure Framework for Australian Higher Education.

14. Treloar, A. et. al. (1997). Aftershocks of an Electronic Publishing Experiment: A Review of the EPICentre Project. Proceedings of Information Online and OnDisc 97, Sydney, Australia, January, pp. 115-132.

13. Treloar, A. and Schauder, D. (1997). Psyche: case study of attitudes and access to an ejournal. Proceedings of CAUSE '97, Melbourne.

12. Treloar, A. (1997). Information Management in the Age of the Internet. Proceedings of the Waigani Seminar series, University of Papua New Guinea, August.

11. Howes, D., McClenaghan, D., Snyder, I., and Treloar, A. (1996). The Significance of Difference: a consideration of hypertext and other technologies" Idiom, September. NOTE: This article appeared on disc in hypertext form as part of the print publication Idiom. I was responsible for the overall design of the hypertext (with the assistance of Mark Dobbins from Melbourne University) and for hypertexting the original 'flat' contributions of the other authors.

10. Treloar, A. (1996). Electronic Scholarly Publishing and the World Wide Web. Journal of Scholarly Publishing, Vol. 27, No. 3, April, pp. 135-150.

9. Treloar, A. (1995). Interfaz de Busqueda Para Centro de Aprendizaje do Flexible: Una Nueva Forma de Realizar Busquedas en Bases de Datos CDS/ISIS (The Centre for Flexible Learning Query Interface:?a new way to search CDS/ISIS databases). INFOISIS , Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 21 - 32.

8. Treloar, A. (1994). Working in a Worldwide Invisible College: the Internet and the Global Scholar. Proc. CAUSE '94, Melbourne, July.

7. Treloar, A. (1994). Living Locally, Working Globally: Invisible Virtual Colleges, Teaching and Publishing. FID News Bulletin, Vol. 44, No. 10, October.

6. Evans, J. and Treloar, A. (1993). Programme Development through a Link Scheme. FID News Bulletin, Vol. 43, No. 4, April.

5. Evans, J. and Treloar, A. (1993). Information Management and Librarianship: A new combination for Papua New Guinea. Education for Librarianship and Information Services: Australia, Vol. 10, No. 1 (Autumn).

4. Treloar, A. (1993). Lifelong Education for Information Managers in Papua New Guinea: Local Problems, Cooperative Solutions. Proc. International Conference on Lifelong Education for Information Professionals, Melbourne, November.

3. Lindsay, A., Marinopoulos, J., Treloar, A., Stokes, D., and Wescott, G. (1993). Correlates of Household Greenhouse Gas Emissions. in Wallis, R. and Shi, G. R. (eds.), Environmental Management in Asia - Training Education and Research, Asian Association for Biology Education/Applied Australian Ecological Research Unit, Deakin University, Melbourne.

2. Treloar, A. (1992). Calera's Wordscan Plus - OCR for the Rest of Us. ALUG Newsletter, Vol. 10, No. 1.

1. Lindsay, A., Treloar, A., et. al. (1992). Compact Fluorescent Light Globes: Who, What, Why, and How Much. Proceedings of the 2nd Australian Demand Management Conference, Melbourne, 1992.

Technical Reports

8. Treloar, A. (2004) Developing an Information Management Strategy for an Australian University: Learning from UK and US Experiences. A Report prepared for the Council of Australian University Directors of Information Technology.

7. Harboe-Ree, C. and Treloar, A. (2003) Connecting the Dots: An integrated approach to digital content management in an institutional context. Technical Report, Monash University Library, Monash University.

6. Treloar, A. (1994), A Comparison of the World-Wide Web and Gopher as Networked Information Space Design and Access Tools, School of Computing and Mathematics Technical Report C94/07, Deakin University.

5. Treloar, A. (1993), A new classification scheme for Internet access tools, School of Computing and Mathematics Technical Report C93/30, Deakin University.

4. Treloar, A. (1993), Design of a suite of Pascal programs for stylistic analysis of literature, School of Computing and Mathematics Technical Report C93/29, Deakin University.

3. Treloar, A. (1993), Present Change, Past Lessons, and Future Challenges: Dealing with networked information in the 90s, School of Computing and Mathematics Technical Report C93/27, Deakin University.

2. Treloar, A. (1993), Design and Implementation of a Query-By-Example Interface for Micro CDS/ISIS, School of Computing and Mathematics Technical Report C93/23, Deakin University.

1. Treloar, A. (1993), Computer Analysis of Text: Towards a New Science of Literature, School of Computing and Mathematics Technical Report C93/08, Deakin University.

Edited Proceedings

7. Treloar, A. and Ellis, A. (eds.) (2006). Proceedings of AusWeb06, the Twelfth Australian World Wide Web Conference. Southern Cross University Press, Southern Cross University, July.

6. Treloar, A. and Ellis, A. (eds.) (2005), AusWeb 05: Making a Difference with the Web. Proceedings of AusWeb05, the Eleventh Australian World Wide Web Conference. Southern Cross University Press, Southern Cross University, July.

5. Treloar, A. and Ellis, A. (eds.) (2004), AusWeb X: The challenge of integration as the Web moves into its second decade. Proceedings of AusWeb04, the Tenth Australian World Wide Web Conference. Southern Cross University Press, Southern Cross University, July.

4. Treloar, A. and Ellis, A. (eds.) (2003), Changing the Way we Work. Proceedings of AusWeb03, the Ninth Australian World Wide Web Conference. Southern Cross University Press, Southern Cross University, July.

3. Treloar, A. and Ellis, A. (eds.) (2002), The Web-Enabled Global Village. Proceedings of AusWeb02, the Eighth Australian World Wide Web Conference. Southern Cross University Press, Southern Cross University, June.

2. Treloar, A. and Ellis, A. (eds.) (2001), The Pervasive Web. Proceedings of AusWeb01, the Seventh Australian World Wide Web Conference, Southern Cross University Press, Southern Cross University, June.

1. Treloar, A. and Ellis, A. (eds.) (2000), The Web: Communication and Information Access for a New Millennium. Proceedings of AusWeb2K, the Sixth Australian World Wide Web Conference, Southern Cross University Press, Southern Cross University, June.


3. Ph. D. Topic: Hypermedia Scholarly Publishing: the Transformation of the Scholarly Journal. Currently available with a table of contents and internal hyperlinks either as an HTML document set (best for browsing) or as a 2.3 MB PDF file (best for printing).

2. Master of Arts (by research). Topic: A Computer-assisted analysis of characterisation in Virginia Woolf's 'The Waves'. Thesis available as a set of HTML files.

1. B. A. Thesis. Topic: Een computer-analyse van een nederlandse landelijk roman (A computer analysis of a Dutch regional novel). Available as a PDF File (but minus the long lists of computer printout in the original). NOTE: Written in Dutch (a requirement of the degree).